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Click on the following button to create your profile (Register Here).


*If  you already have a profile from another festival, use it. You don't need a new one.

Go to the festival where you made your profile, log into it. Go to the Menu button, click on it then on the word Link.

That should bring up the names of all festivals.

Click on our name and that should link you to us. If you can't get that to work, then start a new profile.

If you do not have a Profile anywhere else, then click the Register Here button below and follow the instructions on the right.


Please make sure you read the information and check off the box which says:


I have read, understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions above.

This is located underneath the box which says:

" Terms and Conditions"

This gives us permission to take pictures and put them on our website among other things.



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