Woodstock Rotary Festival of Music

2025 Rules
​ ​The Woodstock Rotary Festival of Music uses the syllabus that you see available on the syllabus page.
Registration opens 12:00 AM, December 3rd, 2024, and is available at wrfofm.musicfestivalsuite.com.
Registration closes 11:59 PM, January 20, 2025, but late registrations are accepted until 11:59 PM, January 24, 2025. There is a late fee of $25 per class.
cost ofny registration fees submitted during the Late Registration Period incur a Late Registration Penalty of $25.00
Entrants are permitted to enter "TBA", or "To Be Announced" registrations before the submission deadline, but the full and accurate piece information is required in advance of the TBA Deadline, being 11:59 PM, January 24, 2025
To register, all Parents/Guardians and Teachers/Group Leaders must make a Profile with the Woodstock Rotary Festival of Music's MusicFestivalSuite Portal before a Participant makes their own Profile. A Parent/Guardian can create a Profile for their minor children easily from within their own Profile. A Teacher/Group Leader can create a Profile for their ensemble(s) easily from within their own Profile. If you already have a MusicFestivalSuite Profile with another festival, you can Export your Profile from that festival to the Woodstock Rotary Festival of Music easily from within your Profile with that festival.
For Support or Extra Help, from within your Profile with the Woodstock Rotary Festival of Music, go to the Support option and open a Support Ticket for the fastest response.
Woodstock Rotary Festival of Music Overall Rules
Woodstock Rotary Festival of Music
Also known as WRFM
Official Rules & Regulations 2025
Please read carefully. Changes to the rules have been made.
Entrant’s registration includes Acceptance of ALL Festival Rules and Regulations
The purpose of the Woodstock Rotary Music Festival is to give each participant the opportunity to perform at their best, strive for excellence, to learn from the adjudicators and to increase their interest in musical studies.
The festival is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Woodstock.
The Woodstock Rotary Festival of Music will be known as the festival.
All decisions made by an Adjudicator are final.
Any question not dealt with in the Rules and Regulations will be referred to the Festival Executive whose decision will be final.
The festival is a “Scent Free Festival”.
Registration / Application
All sections and classes in this Festival are open to amateurs only, regardless of place of residence. An amateur shall be defined as any person whose principal means of livelihood is not in the discipline so entered.
In submitting the Entry Form, the Participant(s) agree to be governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Festival. Refer to section and class headers for specific exceptions.
Registrations received after the registration deadline will be accepted at the discretion of the Festival Coordinator and will include a late fee.
4. Music selection titles and composers must be submitted with the registration. NO changes will be allowed.
5. Timing must be included for accurate scheduling.
6. Applications cannot be accepted from participants who have studied with the adjudicator within the past 2 years.
7. It is the responsibility of teachers to see that each participant has entered the correct classes
with the correct music.
8. Students who have completed an exam IN January OF THE CURRENT YEAR of the Festival may enter pieces
at that grade level or one grade above
Competitors in piano/vocal & winds who have won a senior trophy or have received a diploma from RCM or CC or who are studying music in university may only enter Alumni classes.
Rosebowl Classes
Rosebowls are for any participants who have won a grade Gr 10 or ARCT class in any instrument in the current year. To win a rosebowl, the participant must have a minimum mark of 85.
Alumni Classes
To enter Alumni Classes, participants must have entered the Woodstock Rotary Festival of Music for a minimum of 3 years.
The level of performance must be a minimum of Gr 10.
Participants must enter a minimum of 2 classes to be eligible for the Hossack award.
The Hossack award will be given to the participant of any Alumni Classes who has the highest average of all marks given.
Performance Requirements
1. WRFM is a family friendly Festival. Please choose material appropriate for all audiences.
2. Participants in competitive classes must select repertoire from the CURRENT Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) or Conservatory Canada (CC) Syllabi. Substitution/Supplemental pieces are not allowed.
3. Participants performing in a Popular class must take select pieces from the CURRENT RCM Popular Selection list and the CURRENT CC Contemporary Idioms Syllabus. No Substitution/Teacher’s Choice will be accepted.
4. All repertoire selections must observe the time limits prescribed in the Time Guidelines section of these Rules and Regulations.
5. All selections for solo participants must be memorized. Exceptions:
a.)Participants in Non-Competitive classes and all Ensembles where memorization is not traditionally expected.
b.)Participants in Popular classes
6. A participant may play a piece only once during the festival unless otherwise specified.
7. Original music must be used.
a.) Participants are strictly forbidden to use or bring photocopies for performances. They will be
disqualified if a photocopy is used.
b.)Digital downloads are acceptable provided the permission for use and proof of purchase are
attached to the music.
c.)Competitors must furnish “Own Choice” test pieces to the adjudicator.
8. Repeats are not to be observed except with respect to Da Capo or Dal Segno signs. However, follow the Conservatories’ guidelines re. repeats.
9. Vocal classes:
a.)Must be sung in their original language
b.)May be transposed to suit the participant’s voice in the Junior & Intermediate classes, unless it is
traditionally deemed inappropriate to do so.
c.)Modest, appropriate costumes and/or staging are expected in Musical Theatre classes only.
d.)No open flames in any classes.
10. Canadian Composer classes must be composed by a Canadian. Studies are not allowed in these classes. If Canadian Composer pieces are used on classes other than Canadian Composer classes, the participant will be disqualified.
11. Participants who do not perform according to the requirements of the class and Festival regulations will receive adjudication only.
12. It is the responsibility of participants to know which piece should be played in each class. If a piece is performed in the wrong class, the participant will be allowed to play the correct piece at the end of the class if time allows. The error must be brought to the attention of the secretary before the end of the class.
13. Participants must provide their own accompanists.
14. Accompanied classes must be accompanied by a live piano accompanist.
15. If the accompanist is not ready at the start of the class, the participant may perform at the end of the class.
A chord may be given at the piano for unaccompanied performances.
Appropriate behaviour and consideration of other participants, volunteers, staff, teachers, parents, and guests
is always expected. Whooping and hollering are not acceptable during or after performances.
2. Harassment or discrimination in any form is not acceptable. Any guest, volunteer, participant, parent, or teachers engaging in this activity will be removed from the festival and future Festival involvement will be reviewed.
by the Festival Executive.
3. During a performance, competitors must wear clothing suitable for a public performance. Informal clothing such as jeans, shorts or T-shirts are highly discouraged.
4. Participants, guests, parents and music teachers are prohibited from approaching or being in any contact with a Festival Adjudicator in any way until after the festival events are complete.
5. No contact between participant and teacher or parent is allowed during performances.
Coaching from the audience is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to mouthing words and hand gestures.
6. Participants must be prepared to perform on any day or time during the festival dates.
7. Participants must appear in order as shown in the program.
8. The Festival Coordinator retains the right to change the festival schedule at any time.
9. Participants not ready to perform within 15 minutes of a class being called may be disqualified.
10. The Adjudicator has the authority to stop a Participant at any time during their performance.
11. All school groups must be accompanied by the required staffing supervision ratios for off campus field trips.
12. Complaint process:
a.) Submit detailed complaint in digital format to the coordinator within 24 hours of the incident.
b.)A fee equivalent to the amount of the entry fee for the class in question will be charged if the
protest is not successful.
The decision of the festival committee and/or adjudicator is final.
13. Unauthorized photography during performances is prohibited. Parents, guardians, or teachers may record video of their own child’s performance for personal use or as a teaching aid provided the following conditions are met:
a.) No flash or light aided photography or recording.
c.) Permission to record has been authorized on the registration form.
d.) Photography or recording shall be directed only at your performer.
e.) Recording adjudicators, by any method, is prohibited.
14. Your privacy is respected by the WRFM. The WRFM will not sell or distribute any personal information that is collected. Any data submitted may be used for contacting you for festival purposes only. There is a waiver on the registration form so that pictures may be used on our website. It is on the Profile Page underneath the photo and identity releases . Please make sure you sign it.
Scholarships and Medals
1. All scholarships are granted at the discretion of the Adjudicators.
2. First place winners are eligible to move to medal classes. If first place is not awarded or the winner is not eligible, then there will be NO representative from that class.
3. Scholarships will be paid directly to the winning participant.
be eligible for scholarships participants must enter a minimum of 2 solo classes.
4. Only one scholarship may be awarded to a participant in each discipline.
5. Marks will be awarded as follows:
a.) 90 – 92. An outstanding performance both musically and technically.
b.) 85 to 89 - a secure performance with good musicality.
c.) 80 to 84 - moderately secure, a well-intentioned performance.
d.) below 80 is below standard for whatever reason.
6. Scholarships will be paid directly to the winning participant.
Provincial Delegates
1. Only Competitive Class participants will be considered for the Provincial Competition.
2. Senior pianists, brass, woodwind players who wish to be considered for the Provincial Music Festival competition in the “open” category must play two consecutive movements of a concerto or sonata.
​​ 3. At Provincials, a participant must enter the grade level of the selection performed. Both pieces must be from the same grade level. Only one must have been performed at the local festival.
4. For Gr 6 and above, vocalists must perform three (3) selections in two (2) or more different languages (eg. English, French, Spanish, Italian, German) from the current Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) or the
Conservatory Canada (CC) syllabus.
5. If a competitor competes in more than one festival and is recommended by both festivals, they must represent the festival which recommended them first.
It is the responsibility of the selected participant and teacher to be familiar with the OMFA Syllabus check their website at: www.omfa.info